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CrealityFalcon Tutorial

How to: Precision Batch Engraving with Creality Falcon2 Pro

by linjacob 17 Apr 2024
Precision Batch Engraving
Software LightBurn
Machine CrealityFalcon Laser Falcon2Pro 40W
Laser Module Output Power 40W+1.6W
Material Used

Cardboard labels

Author Marcuzzo Mattia
Purpose Engraving on cardboard labels with camera
LightBurn Files



How to

Step 1: Identify the cardboard labels to be engraved.

Step 1


Step 2: Fix the labels to a panel to prevent them from moving during processing and place it in the laser work area.

Step 2

Adjust the focus of the laser module on a label. Then press the Home button.

Step 3

Step 3: Try to illuminate the work area well to acquire the image with the camera, perhaps using a flashlight.

Step 4


Step 4: Acquire the image by pressing the "update overlay" button. For greater clarity, I recommend trying to disable the "fade" option. All these operations can be found in Lightburn's "camera control" window.

Step 5

Attention: Before starting, remember to calibrate the camera with the guide provided by Creality Falcon


Step 5: Set the speed to 2000 mm\m and the power to 30%. To have a darker engraving, also set 2 steps (It all depends on the material, do some testing).

Step 6


Step 6: Place the design to be engraved directly on the Lightburn work surface which will correspond to the one captured by the camera. Then highlight all the drawings and press the "play" button.

Once you have made the engraving, press the "update overlay" button and check that it is actually in the same position you had chosen. If it doesn't match, use the two navigation keys X and Y to correct the camera alignment.

Step 7


Always remember to use safety glasses (if you don't have a cover) and a fume extractor. Good work.

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Donovan Jacobs
quotation-mark Greetings, greetings all. Love my 10w falcon. This thing exceeded my expectations like crazy. Works like a charm and so easy to build. quotation-mark
Daniel Hughes
quotation-mark Did a little something for myself for a change. Engraved my stainless steel ciggy case. Surprised how crisp it came out! quotation-mark
Alby Martin
quotation-mark 100 Wedding Gifts, with a falcon 5W (I had to make 3 layers of 0.4mm wood). I cut the adhesive paper itself with my own laser. Besides, I made a custom keychain design for the friends of the couple that formed the figure of the meplee. quotation-mark

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